I was going to post about my delightfully fluffy biscuits I made to accompany our dinner last night, but for some reason my photos of the biscuits won't load. But this picture of Ike will. What is the deal with that? So instead of a recipe and how to make great biscuits, I give you a few reasons why our dog Ike is amazing. One is that after all these years, Ike still thinks we are great. I know it must have something to do with the food, walks, and pets he gets, but I think he just KNOWS. When Ike is with me and the guys he never takes his eyes off of the kids, he has let us know if someone seems questionable. As big and tough as Ike is, he thinks our new kitten is a serious threat to our home, he just has not devised a way to make it look like an accident, yet. Lastly, Ike can take Rex's mood from distraught to mellow with just a lick or a head nudge, see he does KNOW. I suppose the real reason why I went on about our dog is that I just wanted to show off what a good picture I took! Admittedly the biscuit picture was good, but no Ike.
Love that Ike!
Posted by: Mom | December 14, 2009 at 03:27 PM
I like Ike!
Posted by: Suz Broughton | December 18, 2009 at 10:15 PM