My handmade card said, 'Happy Birthy Mom!' I love it! They were upset over the misspelling, but really, what a treasure!
That's right, today is my birthday. Never mind how many candles. As you can see by my cake the candles are missing. Today my darling boys gave me the gift of cake decorating. We made the cake earlier in the day, and they set to the task of decorating after dinner. Felex found the hydrangea flower for the top, and Dexter added the pink mints that he swiped form our cousins wedding. I think the strawberries were added because they are my summer time favorite. When the boys started to decorate I had to remove myself from the room all together because I wanted to fix and make the cake look its best. They were so funny arguing over where to put the berries and mints. Felex put his foot down when Dex wanted to add orange slices and peaches, telling Dexter there were no oranges in moms cake! Boy am I relieved that I let the boys give me this gift! What a perfect cake to celebrate my day.